The World Wide Fund for Nature has written in its latest report (Living Planet) that 60% of wildlife has been destroyed since 1970 due to the rapid human use of natural resources. These resources are "green infrastructure" such as water, land, plants and animals. Iran is not an exception to this rule and having many natural resources such as mountains, plains, lakes, all kinds of plant and animal species and fertile agricultural lands that it has had so far, in recent years mostly due to the lack of proper management in preserving The environment, as well as the lack of culture of some people's proper use of natural resources, have lost a large part of them. Iran is a country of four seasons, and this photo collection was taken in different cities of this country in recent years due to the destruction of different climates by human hands. The Forestry Organization announced in mid-2013 that more than two-thirds of Iran's soil, which is about 118 million hectares, is rapidly becoming a desert. It doesn't matter where people are on this earth, they reach for everything for their convenience and indulgence, they dry up the waters, pollute the air, burn the forests, make the animals extinct and finally wear out the soil. And they take their land with all its natural assets to gradual destruction. Masoud Mansour, the former head of Iran's Forests, Ranges and Watershed Organization, announced in a message to the FAO Forestry Committee, "Given the population projections until 2050 and the need for 593 million hectares of new land for agriculture, the continuation of the process of forest destruction and land destruction in parallel, It will continue at the warning level.


In Human Seize


Maho, a photographer based in Tehran, Iran, started his artistic activities in 1999. He is a member of Iranian Press Photographers Association and Association of Cultural Heritage Photographers. In 2022, he won first Place in the Environmental Vision category in POYi Competition. He also won first place  in the Landscape category in Sony World Photography Award in 2021. He has won more than 200 awards from national and international festivals, and participated in more than 100 group and solo exhibitions around the world.

[ ISSUE REPORTING PICTURE STORY ] A long-term project on a single topic. It could focus on science, news, politics or any number of topics, ranging from coverage of a single person to an entire community. The project must convey a deep understanding of the subject. Each submission consists of 10 to 40 images. Each participant is allowed to enter up to 2 submissions. All images must be taken in 2023.

Judges for Issue Reporting Picture Story
Forough Alaei
Forough Alaei
Yuki Tanaka
Yuki Tanaka
Steven Lee
Steven Lee
Shuchi Kapoor
Shuchi Kapoor
Wan Chantavilasvong
Wan Chantavilasvong
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