• POY Asia is open to holders of passports from the following countries/territories: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Yemen.
  • We also welcome submissions from photographers who aren’t holding any of the above-mentioned passports but can prove that they have been working out of Asia for the past three years.
  • Team entries are not allowed.
  • Anyone can participate, however most participants are professional photographers.
  • You do not need to name your files in any specific way.
  • A single image may be entered as an individual entry and part of a story and part of a portfolio.
  • A picture story may be entered as a picture story and as part of a larger project and as part of a portfolio.
  • Portraits may be included as part of a picture story, project or portfolio.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all photographs must be documentary in nature and adhere to journalistic principles.
  • All images must be taken in Asia.
  • The photos do not need to be published.
  • All photographs entered must have been taken or published for the first time between 1 January and 31 December, 2023.
  • First-time publication is defined as being published by a media organization in print or online. Personal web sites or social media accounts do not qualify.
  • POY Asia will not accept AI-generated images or text in any category.
  • Alteration of photographic content, double exposures, masks, frames, backgrounds, text, handwritten notes, diptychs or triptychs, or other artistic effects are prohibited, except in the Portrait, Portrait Series and Cultural Practices categories.
  • Photographs must include caption information. You will be able to verify that the information is correct after uploading your images.
  • Each photographer must fill out an individual registration form.
  • The deadline for uploading your work is 19 February 2024.
  • The judges are nominated by the Founding Advisors as well as former jury members of POY ASIA.
  • Please join us for live discussions through @poyasia Facebook page as we review the entries.
  • The judges will meet virtually, and each will make a pre-selection on his or her own. These final projects and images will be selected by the judges which will be broadcast live.
  • Submission to POY Asia is via Picter.com.
  • Submission to POY Asia is free.
  • Submissions will be eligible for inclusion in exhibits, related programs and become part of the POYi archives, a growing comprehensive library of images that spans more than 80 years.

Need some inspirations? Check out the winning entries from previous editions of POY Asia

‘the caption hurts’

When you tune in(we know you will) to the ‘live’ judging of POY Asia, don’t be surprised to hear some of these commonly used phrases.
Previously we have talked about how a good caption can make a huge difference.
But sometimes, ‘the caption hurts’ and we don’t just mean brief two-word labels such as ‘Couple smiling’ or ‘Children running’ masquerading as captions.
More than once in previous POY Asia competitions, judges who were initially interested in an image lost their interest after hearing the captions.
How so?
Increasingly, we are seeing lengthy text cut and pasted from articles. They give a lot of information and background but some judges have remarked, “OK, the caption is great, but in comparison now, the picture doesn’t do much.” To them, it is almost a letdown.
We have asked a few experts in the industry and they shared the same conclusion — this is a recurring problem when photographers go on assignment for XXXXXX and XXXXX.
We are omitting the names of the publications but yes, they are the big guns in the profession.
Quite naturally, when you work with some of the best writers in the industry, you grow fond of their words.
But remember this – plonking a large paragraph without thinking if it is suitable can really hurt you too.
Don’t believe us? Join us during the ‘live’ judging.