A lone woman in a mask walks across Battery Road in the Central Business District of Singapore just past 0900hrs on 8th June 2020. At a time where Battery Road would usually be busy with the office crowd, there was hardly anyone in the streets. Taxis in the background sit waiting for passengers when it should usually be the opposite. On 8th June 2020, Singapore had just transited into Phase I of Safe Reopening which began on 2nd June 2020 and I hit the streets after having applied for a one day exemption from the Ministry of Manpower which allowed me to out to photograph. Prior to this, I had not made a single work image during the entire Circuit Breaker period of 8 weeks from 7th April 2020 to 2nd June 2020.
A sociologist by training, Darren Soh is an architectural and landscape photographer. Darren’s personal works are an extension of his curiosity about how we live and the spaces we create as well as leave behind. Besides photographing new pieces of architecture for his work, Darren has a particular obsession with vernacular architecture and nocturnal spaces that are deemed too banal or insignificant to be noticed.