Tel-aviv, Israel: Eritrean asylum seekers clashes with police on 2 September,2023.Clashes erupted ahead of event that was planed to take place in Tel-aviv organized by Eritrean embassy.


Ilia Yefimovich

Russia born documentary photographer currently based in Jerusalem, researches the human conflict and its obsession with territory. As an observer I’m building a maze of ideas that create parallel realities that merge into a sanctuary of surreal narratives from the combination of their representations of the familiar and common places.

[ GENERAL NEWS ] A single photograph of a news event or social issue for which planning was possible. Each participant is allowed to enter up to 5 images. The images must be taken in 2023.

Judges for General News
Gülbin Özdamar Akarçay
Gülbin Özdamar Akarçay
Jessica Lim
Jessica Lim
Joshua Irwandi
Lam Chun Tung
Lam Chun Tung
Saiyna Bashir
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