This story is dedicated to a small family from St. Petersburg (Russia). Inna is 33 years old, and her daughter Dasha is 15. Just a few years ago, their life was completely different. Inna had a beloved man who replaced Dasha's father, she had a job as an administrator in a hospital. However, everything has changed dramatically. Inna's beloved one Sergey died of a drug abuse, and soon after Inna became ill, she began to have problems with coordination and walking. Only two years later, doctors in Moscow were able to make the correct diagnosis - ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) - an incurable and progressive disease leading to complete disability of the patient and subsequent death. The disease is poorly studied and the average life expectancy is also unknown, because it all depends on a patient's health. By that time, Inna could no longer walk and moved in a wheelchair. She almost lost the ability to talk. At the moment, the life of 15-year-old Dasha is completely devoted to her mother. She does all the housework, feeds her mother, helps her take a bath. She does not have the opportunity to meet friends and even attend classes at school. The girl admits that she had to grow up very early. More recently, Inna held her little daughter in her arms, now they have changed places. This family, with whom I spent more than six months filming this story, live in their own special world, finding motivation to move on day by day. This is a story about female power and strongest love.

First Place

From Day to Day

Sergei Stroitelev

I am a Russian born freelance photographer and visual artist residing in Georgia and working on a regular basis with Helsingin Sanomat, De Volkskrant, VICE UK/USA, Meduza, Novaya Gazeta, others. My photographic practice primarily focuses on the exploration of the issues of modern society. With the help of different visual languages and forms I look at problems of identity of minorities, gender, health and racial prejudice, ecology, consequences of the conflicts and natural disasters. I often execute very personal photographic projects exploring my very own inner demons, past and family. I am the awardee of the number of international contests such as: NPPA Best of Photojournalism, Bartur Photo Awards, Pictures of the Year International, Pictures of the Year Asia, Istanbul Photo Awards, Direct Look Photocontest, Hellerau Portraits Awards, Luis Valtuena Humanitarian Photography Award and many more.

[ DAILY LIFE PICTURE STORY ] A narrative picture story that reflects the everyday human experience, celebrates life, or chronicles a cultural trend. Respect for the dignity of the person is important. Each submission consists of 5 to 10 images. Each participant is allowed to enter up to 3 submissions. All images must be taken in 2022.

Judges for Daily Life Picture Story
Jilson Tiu
Uma Bista
Takaaki Iwabu
Parisa Azadi
Nathan Tsui
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