• You do not need to name your files in any specific way.
  • A single image may be entered as an individual entry and part of a story and part of a portfolio.
  • A picture story may be entered as a picture story and as part of a larger project and as part of a portfolio.
  • Portraits may be included as part of a picture story, project or portfolio.
  • Team entries are not allowed.
  • All images must be taken in Asia.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all photographs must be documentary in nature and adhere to journalistic principles.
  • The photos do not need to be published.
  • Anyone can participate, however most participants are professional photographers.
  • The photographs must have been taken between 1 January 2019— 31 December 2020.
  • Photographs must include caption information. You will be able to verify that the information is correct after uploading your images.
  • Retrospectives, collections, branded content, personal websites or portfolios are not eligible in any category.
  • Each photographer must fill out an individual registration form.
  • The deadline for uploading your work is 16 March 2021 at 11pm/Singapore time.
  • The judges will be nominated by Prashant Panjiar, Maye-E Wong, Tanya Habjouqa, Lynden Steele and Kay-Chin Tay, all Founding Advisors of POY ASIA.
  • Please join us for live discussions through @poyasia Facebook page as we review the entries.
  • The judges will meet virtually, and each will make a pre-selection on his or her own. These final projects and images will be selected by the judges which will be broadcast live.
  • Submissions to POY Asia is via Picter.com.
  • Submissions to the inaugural POY Asia is free.
  • Submissions will be eligible for inclusion in exhibits, related programs and become part of the POYi archives, a growing comprehensive library of images that spans nearly 80 years.