SL Shanth Kumar has been a photojournalist since 2002 where he started with The Indian Express newspaper. Currently a Special photojournalist with The Times of India in Mumbai, Shanth has won several prestigious for his work including the 2012 Wisden photography award at Lords ground in London, Better Photography Best Indian Photographer of the year in 2011, 2012 National Photo Competition, 2016 Environmental photographer of the year from royal society of London, 2017 Best photo of the year in National press photo Awards including awards for photography showing environmental degradation. 2018 , Government of India professional photographer of the year National photo award , 2018 Asian journalism award Environmental Photograph of the year by environment Singapore council ,2018 Environmental photographer of the year by CIWEM 2019 and HIPA International Photography award 2020 2nd place in Water Category. His favorite topics are street photography and natural life.